Programs » Emotional Regulation Impairment Program

Emotional Regulation Impairment Program

The Emotional Regulation Impairment (ERI) Program at Atlantic County Special Services School District uses positive behavioral supports to increase positive behaviors and decrease negative behaviors of students with behavioral and/or emotional disabilities.  Skills are actively taught to students in both formal and informal settings and are modeled by classroom staff. Students are given opportunities to practice skills and receive reinforcement. Staff is training in Nonviolent crisis intervention (NVCI) techniques to support the de-escalation of concerning behaviors. Students’ behavior is actively tracked and reported so that data-based decisions can be made as students’ needs change.  
Students in the ERI Program utilize a computer-based curriculum that is individualized to select core academic areas to provide appropriately leveled and paced instruction. In addition to planning and providing appropriate academic instruction to the students; teachers and staff teach social skills; teach classroom rules; monitor student behavior; collect and record data; consistently provide consequences according to the classroom and/or individual behavior support plan(s); plan and deliver reinforcement to students; assign duties and provide feedback to classroom aides, and maintain contact with the students’ parents/guardians.